Monday, July 17, 2006

How Are You Increasing Your Connectivity?

Quite often I am asked by entrepreneurs and professionals, both new and experienced networkers, about how they can increase their connectivity. Unfortunately, quite often networkers fail to recognise one key element to building a powerful network - at their own peril.

I have no doubt in my mind that this key element is an absolute must in your armoury. That element is the magnitude of your network. Yes, that's right. In building a referral business, size does matter. Now I can imagine some dissenting voices saying "it's not what you've got that's important - it's what you do with it."

I agree that you must be able to manage your network effectively and serve them to the best of your ability. On the other hand, how would you rather be perceived – as someone who knows all the right people or as someone who sheepishly works in isolation to the rest of the business community? I know who I’d rather be.

Wouldn't you rather be in a position to offer contacts a connection to their ideal referral or would you rather walk away and be unable to help?

Granted, you cannot help every person you meet. But, if you're better at connecting people than the average (networking) bear, then you will become more referable. You will be more attractive to your contacts and prospective customers. You will improve your connectivity.

So here are my favourite places that I recommend you to go to build your network. Some of these are online networks, whilst some are offline. Some are both.

Ecademy: Social Networking with lots of business exchange
BRE (Business Referral Exchange): Breakfast Networking
BNI (Business Network International): Breakfast Networking
Open BC: Business Network
Network 2 Connect (includes BOB Clubs): Breakfast Networking
PSA (Professional Speakers Association): Networking for experts who speak professionally Linkedin: Business Network There are many more networks that you can be a part of.

Remember the famous game show quote

' You’ve got to be in it to win it'!

Networking is just like game shows. When you are out of touch, you’re out!

If you would like to experience the art of networking at its highest form, then why not join the Referral Explosion on Tuesday 29th august 2006 in Birmingham, UK? This is a three-hour workshop designed to shift your customer prospecting into turbo drive. This is the ultimate experience in generating highly qualified referrals – regardless of whether you are an experienced networker or someone with no network. To book your place, please click here.


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